Friday, November 14, 2008

Rain Rain

Living on the west coast, you have to do everything possible to try to enjoy the rain, otherwise this season is totally unbearable. Wellies, raincoats, rihanna on the radio, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. So, this season I have embraced the gum boot. I searched high and wide and found a few lovable (ie. not too obnoxious) options. Hunters, Tretorn, and Chooka, are legendary around here. Then I ran into Moov Culture and was quite impressed ~ love their cut-and-paste graphics too.

But, just when I thought I had seen all rubber boots imaginable, I spotted a girl on the street with boots painted in that victorian/grunge look that is so fabulous. Assuming it was a brilliant diy project, I looked it up and found this and this. So, I'm now mighty tempted to pick up some basic boots,
krylon and stencils and see what happens....

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Anonymous Chooka Rain Boots said...

And imagine what you can expect with the this year's collection of chooka rain boots


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